Monday, May 4, 2009

Jones Soda

"Ya gotta make a living somehow; we chose the beverage world. Good old soda made with pure can sugar. No hidden meanings, no billion dollar ad campaings, and no high fructose corn syrup. At Jones, we want you to buy a lot of soda and recycle the bottles. The labels are a kind of like our minds- always changing. Run with the little guy...creat some change.".

I've had a secret love for Blue Bubble Gum Jones Soda for years...but it has now become a "love you outloud" kind of love :). I'm going to recycle my bottles- as flower vases :). The photos are my favorite part of the soda! I also love the caps. Today mine said "you just helped save a childs eyesight. Thank you". (Visit for more info).

Anyways, I just thought you all should know: I LOVE JONES SODA!!!

but...I still love Coke and have tried with no luck to find yellow cap coke :( I guess I'll keep looking :)

Friday, May 1, 2009

Momentary Lapse

I had a momentary lapse today. I was telling Matt about how healthy this HFCS diet is and talking about eating Cheerios for breakfast when I reached over and put a mini Mr. Goodbar IN my mouth! And the look on Matts face was hilarious! I ran over to the trash can and spit it out followed by a good clean rinse of water. I felt so stupid! hahaha And here is my newest love: FUZE. I really really love flavored drinks. Water is usually not enough for me. I'll drink it to keep myself hydrated but I prefer some flavor in my life! I actually had Strawberry Melon (which is not pictured below) and basically fell in love immediately. :)

So tomorrow, Matt and I have opted to pack our lunch. OH! And lucky me, I finally found some pancake syrup to eat with my waffles! (No hfcs!) yummmm anyways, I'm hoping my packed lunch tomorrow will work out for me...actually I KNOW it will.
I also found out that pre packaged Brie cheese has no HFCS. It was a happy day :)

HFCS soda?

So remember how I spoke fondly of Coke in my previous post? Well, I found something that absolutely blew me away. Pepsi, Cokes mortal enemy, produces what is called "Pepsi Natural". yay! I'm going to keep an eye out for it :)


Happy May 1st! I'm so excited to start this new diet! I haven't eaten anything yet today but I'm planning on a bowl of cheerios with banana slices and little sugar on top :) for breakfast. yum!

This morning I've been researching what will be ok to drink and what won't be. Anyone who knows me knows that I'm pretty much addicted to Coke and that is a drink I'll miss dearly for the next 30 days. BUT this morning I've found that another favorite drink of mine is still "ok" to drink! Sobe Lizard Lava Strawberry Daquiri (and basically all SoBe drinks)!! Yay for lizards! That isn't to say I'll drink less regular water though. I try to drink a few bottles of water every day but it's good to know I wont have to give up flavor all together :). So, here's a toast to the next 30 days!