Monday, May 4, 2009

Jones Soda

"Ya gotta make a living somehow; we chose the beverage world. Good old soda made with pure can sugar. No hidden meanings, no billion dollar ad campaings, and no high fructose corn syrup. At Jones, we want you to buy a lot of soda and recycle the bottles. The labels are a kind of like our minds- always changing. Run with the little guy...creat some change.".

I've had a secret love for Blue Bubble Gum Jones Soda for years...but it has now become a "love you outloud" kind of love :). I'm going to recycle my bottles- as flower vases :). The photos are my favorite part of the soda! I also love the caps. Today mine said "you just helped save a childs eyesight. Thank you". (Visit for more info).

Anyways, I just thought you all should know: I LOVE JONES SODA!!!

but...I still love Coke and have tried with no luck to find yellow cap coke :( I guess I'll keep looking :)

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