Friday, May 1, 2009


Happy May 1st! I'm so excited to start this new diet! I haven't eaten anything yet today but I'm planning on a bowl of cheerios with banana slices and little sugar on top :) for breakfast. yum!

This morning I've been researching what will be ok to drink and what won't be. Anyone who knows me knows that I'm pretty much addicted to Coke and that is a drink I'll miss dearly for the next 30 days. BUT this morning I've found that another favorite drink of mine is still "ok" to drink! Sobe Lizard Lava Strawberry Daquiri (and basically all SoBe drinks)!! Yay for lizards! That isn't to say I'll drink less regular water though. I try to drink a few bottles of water every day but it's good to know I wont have to give up flavor all together :). So, here's a toast to the next 30 days!

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