Friday, May 1, 2009

Momentary Lapse

I had a momentary lapse today. I was telling Matt about how healthy this HFCS diet is and talking about eating Cheerios for breakfast when I reached over and put a mini Mr. Goodbar IN my mouth! And the look on Matts face was hilarious! I ran over to the trash can and spit it out followed by a good clean rinse of water. I felt so stupid! hahaha And here is my newest love: FUZE. I really really love flavored drinks. Water is usually not enough for me. I'll drink it to keep myself hydrated but I prefer some flavor in my life! I actually had Strawberry Melon (which is not pictured below) and basically fell in love immediately. :)

So tomorrow, Matt and I have opted to pack our lunch. OH! And lucky me, I finally found some pancake syrup to eat with my waffles! (No hfcs!) yummmm anyways, I'm hoping my packed lunch tomorrow will work out for me...actually I KNOW it will.
I also found out that pre packaged Brie cheese has no HFCS. It was a happy day :)

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